divendres, 12 d’abril del 2019


This week was the Cultural Week. The 6th graders prepared an Easter Fair full of entertaining and funny games for the other students at school. They had to explain the games in English and they did a great job. Enjoy the pictures!


dijous, 11 d’abril del 2019


P4 students represented The Easter Bunnies short play to learn about the Easter tradition through the topic we are learning: parts of the face. They did a really good job and had so much fun!



Last Monday and Tuesday 4th5th graders had a video conference with their Italian and French partners. We had the chance to play the game "Who is Who?" with Medieval characters. We had a great time!

1st Graders asking and answering questions: "Do you like...?"

After learning the structure "Do you like...?" through the song "Do you like broccoli ice-cream?" from Super Simple Songs, 1st graders practice this structure applying vocabulary we learned about Food. They did a great job!

dilluns, 8 d’abril del 2019

Tonguetwisters twist my tongue!

Reading and memorising tonguetwisters help us improve our pronunciation and reading skills. Do you want to try? 

Tonguetwister 1

One-one was a race horse.
Two-two was one too.
One-one won one race.
Two-two won one too.

Tonguetwister 2

Tonguetwister 3

Tonguetwister 4

dimecres, 3 d’abril del 2019

Talking about our family members

As C2 D could not do the videoconference with Italy, we decided to record a video and send it to our colleagues. We will get their video in order to get our task done as well. 

Here you have: 

3rd graders:

2nd graders:

dilluns, 1 d’abril del 2019

Easter postcards!

2nd and 3rd A graders have already received their postcards from Poland.
Our colleagues have wished us a happy Easter! We are so excited! 

Thank you so much :)