dijous, 29 d’octubre del 2020

eTwinning 6th grade

Last month we did many different activities on eTwinning: after working on eSafety and meeting the teachers, we played an exciting escape room to find out the coordinates of our underwater world location, and we found it!! It was fantastic!!

We also decided our group name, started designing our banner and we watched some tutorials to be able to use a programme to introduce ourselves. We keep learning a lot!

dijous, 22 d’octubre del 2020


Out of Con-Trolls is the title of our new project in 5th grade. It's a project between fantasy and reality. One of the first activities we did is a breakout game in which we had to get a secret code to become a troll and be part of the Trolls tribes. And we did it!

dimarts, 20 d’octubre del 2020


In 4th grade we are working in an Etwinning project called THE EARTH CONSCIOUS GANG. It's about taking care of the endangered species. We do this project with schools from Europe: Italy, Portugal, Croatia and another school from Catalonia. 

We started playing some games to know the teachers and countries of the project. We had so much fun!


dimecres, 14 d’octubre del 2020

Get to know each other- C2

Welcome to a new school year in C2 level!

As the first days of school activity, students had made an "About me" flipbook in their notebooks.

We learned about their names, age, where do they live and their favourites.

They turned out amazing!

dimarts, 6 d’octubre del 2020

Hello C1!!!

Hello and welcome to a new year full of adventures and English!!

This September C1 students have been discovering colours and shapes. There are a lot and we can find them all around!

Here you can see some of the activities from the English class. We also attach a couple of videos in case you want to watch them. Enjoy!

dijous, 1 d’octubre del 2020

eTwinning 2020-2021 6th grade

 Hi! We are back in school again! And this school year we have a new eTwinning project in 6th grade: eTlantis, the Underwater World.

We are going to explore the oceans and seas, the different marine habitats and we will try to make a better world for all of us.

We started doing some activities about eSafety, and then we met the teachers from the different schools and countries we are going to work with: Slovenia, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland and Catalonia.